This website is not affiliated, associated or connected in any way with the World Cup 2010 Local Organising Committee, the SA Football Association or FIFA. Its purpose is to provide news, information and opinion on South Africa and the events surrounding the 2010 World Cup.


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11. June 2010, 17:00
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1215 days
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57 minutes


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Table Bay Hotel

Table Bay Hotel
Cyber Cape Town secure booking
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The Table Bay Hotel is a five-star, 329-room hotel and it uniquely responds to its magnificent surroundings. It has a maritime flavour that extends to each room and suite, which has sea or mountain views and is a luxurious port of call.

The interior of the hotel presents a kaleidoscope of impressions, from the European marble mosaic of the entrance court to the intricate parquet floor of the foyer framed by the full-scale drama of Table Mountain, with the activity of the harbour in the foreground. Below the foyer to the south, is the grand lounge with its cathedral ceiling and twin fireplaces.

A nearby dock, capable of accommodating an ocean liner, is at the threshold of the restaurant. The restaurant, has a private dining bay and Wine Cellar, and panoramic views of the mountain range and harbour.The Table Bay Hotel, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa

Catering for the business and leisure traveller, the hotel offers conference facilities for groups of up to 300 delegates.

The Five Star Table Bay Hotel, Cape Town Luxury Hotel Accommodation for leisure


The Table Bay is situated adjacent to the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront shopping and entertainment complex overlooking the Cape Town harbour and is five minutes from the city centre.

The Cape has a Mediterranean climate with cool winters and sunny, dry summers.
Winter (July to September) Minimum temp 8 °C. Rainy Season
Spring (October to November) 20 °C - 25 °C
Summer (December to March) Maximum 32 °C
Autumn (April to June) Minimum temp 15 °C

Awards & Accolades

Leading hotels of the World
Within only six months of its official opening, the Table Bay Hotel was accorded top global honours with its admittance to the prestigious Leading Hotels of the World, joining the ranks of only 308 other premier hotels in 68 countries.
The list of The Leading Hotels of the World is in reality a directory of the most luxurious accommodation and best hospitality obtainable. The organisation, made up of the top management of many of the most famous hotels, exacts stringent adherence to absolute excellence, and visits are made to ensure that the hotels accorded membership maintain the standards for which they were chosen.

Conde Nast Traveller
Conde Nast Traveller voted the Table Bay Hotel 13th among the world's top hotels and second in Africa and the Middle East in 2002.

The Conde Nast Traveller awards have been accorded every year since 1988 and votes are garnered from a randomly selected sample of subscribers to the magazine. The eight part survey received 26 687 responses. The readers are asked to evaluate a broad range of categories that include cities, islands, cruise lines and hotels.

Gold in International Quality Awards
Business Initiative Directions (B.I.D), the international arbiter of quality in business, has awarded the Quality Summit International Award in the Gold category to the Table Bay Hotel, at its 15th annual event in New York.

The award is based on information obtained through the group's international structure of experts in business communication, formed by engineers, physicians, mathematicians, economists, psychologists, journalists, designers and architects. The professionals research great segments of public and private information sources such as the media, publications, advertising, trade fairs and exhibition, business marketing companies, universities, chambers of commerce, embassies and their commercial offices

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Table Bay Hotel