This website is not affiliated, associated or connected in any way with the World Cup 2010 Local Organising Committee, the SA Football Association or FIFA. Its purpose is to provide news, information and opinion on South Africa and the events surrounding the 2010 World Cup.


Countdown to 2010

Count to
11. June 2010, 17:00
Time left
1215 days
16 hours
31 minutes


Who will win the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa?


2010 World Cup South Africa
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Victoria & Alfred Hotel
Victoria & Alfred Hotel
Cyber Cape Town secure booking
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V and A hotel, hotels Cape Town, Cape Town, Hotel, Hotels,travel, vacation, Cape Town hotels, conferencing, conferences,Southern African Hotels, Western Cape, luxury hotels V and A Waterfront, accommodation,Victoria & Alfred, rooms reservation, reservations, booking, accommodation, accommodations, room, accomodation, conference facilities
harbor,rooms, South Africa, four star, facilities, v&a, V&A,V&A Hotel, Waterfront Accommodation,V&A Waterfront Hotels,luxury waterfront hotels V and A hotel, hotels Cape Town, Cape Town, Hotel, Hotels,travel, vacation, Cape Town hotels, conferencing, conferences,Southern African Hotels, Western Cape, luxury hotels
Combining true Victorian elegance with innovative, modern luxury,Victoria and Alfred Hotel offers superior accommodation, state-of-the-art conference facilities and a spectacular restaurant located in the Waterfront, with the traditional style of colonial Cape Town, South Africa Victoria and Alfred Hotel
Framed by the ocean and Table Mountain, the elegance and luxury of the Victoria & Alfred Hotel is
rivalled only by its relaxed atmosphere and warm personal service. Built in 1904 as the North Quay
Warehouse and converted in 1990 to a luxury hotel, it is named in honour of the Queen of England and
her son who visited the Cape in 1870, when Prince Alfred officially opened the Breakwater basin,
today’s Victoria & Alfred Waterfront.


The North Quay Warehouse is one of the many buildings at the Waterfront which has been restored and used for new purposes.

Built in 1904, it was in turn used as a coal store, Union Castle Shipping Company warehouse and a customs baggage store.

From 1989, major redevelopment for business and tourism started taking place in the Victoria & Alfred harbour area. In 1990 the North Quay Warehouse was converted into the prestigous Victoria & Alfred Hotel and exclusive Alfred Mall.


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The Victoria & Alfred Hotel is situated right in the middle of one of the country’s top destinations, Cape
Town’s beautifully restored Waterfront… you can walk in the utmost safety to some of the finest retail
outlets, from designer stores to restaurants, craft markets, cinemas and entertainment in the


Situated just 20 minutes from Cape Town International Airport. Air-conditioned chauffer drive vehicles
can be arranged on request, through the Hotel reservations office.

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Victoria & Alfred Hotel