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Primi Seacastle Holiday Villas
Primi SeaCastle Hotel Cyber Cape Town secure booking
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Primi-Seacastle, Primi, Seacastle, Sea Castle, Primi sea Castle, Seacastle camps bay, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Accommodation, Camps Bay Beach, holiday villa, holiday apartment, vacation accommodation luxury leisure travel, south africa tourism, cape town tourism, cape town beaches, cape town beach house
Introduction To Primi Seacastle Luxury holiday apartments
Eat, sleep, play. The Three to any memorable holiday. That and an apartment at PRIMI SEACASTLE of course. Eat, sleep, play. The Three to any memorable holiday. That and an apartment at Primi Seacastle of course.


We provide the alternative to stuffy accommodation with hideous hotel rooms. We'll make your new neighbour walk out of his opulent multi-million-rand apartment and want to trade places.

The Primi Seacastle is your luxury apartment away from your luxury apartment. It sits on the African Copacabana, Camps Bay Beach, Cape Town, a beach with sand as white as pearls and a view worth immigrating for.

All our luxury apartments have perfect postcard views of the bay and the mountain.


Ideally situated, these charming apartments are all a Frisbee's throw from the Cape Town City Centre, the Table Mountain Cable Car, the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront and Camps Bay's finest dining, shopping and nightlife.

The Only thing we leave to your own device is eating, sleeping and playing ...or in other words these are self catering apartments.

All our luxury apartments have perfect postcard views of the bay and the mountain.
Choose From Any of our 8 luxury apartments
The Studio Apartment
View From The Primi Seacastle Studio Apartment Yes believe it, you could be living here, not forever though. This is your very own New York style open-plan apartment kitted out with a private balcony with a jacuzzi, a large screen TV and state of the art music system, a queen size bed and enough envy to go around for all that come to visit.

Unfortunately only one of the two studio apartments have a jacuzzi and large screen TV

The one bedroom Apartment
Some would call this a shag pad but now that would not be politically correct. So we'll just call it a bachelor flat straight out of a James Bond movie.


It's still big enough to swing a cat by its tail but we wouldn't recommend that.

View Of The Primi Seacastle One Bedroom Bachelor Apartment
The Two Bedroom Apartment
View From The Primi Seacastle Two Bedroomed Apartment For something more conventional yet still opulent, try this apartment. It's fitted with everything to make moving in very easy and moving out much more difficult.


Of the four apartments available, you have a choice of one with a jacuzzi an the deck or one with an indoor spa. All these Primi Seacastle apartments have ocean views as standard.

The Three bedroom Apartment
This is the beach house apartment you've always wanted and probably have already.


But it now sits on the palatial setting off one of the most exclusive beaches in the world with your very own private pool.

View Of The Primi Seacastle Three Bedroom Beach House
Facilities at Primi Seacastle Luxury Apartments
Champagne Bath Anyone ? All apartments are luxuriously furnished with each bedroom being en-suite and equipped with lock up safes, DSTV, music systems,


mini bar stock, hot beverage complete, telephones, your own deck with uninterrupted views of the bay.

Other Services at Primi Seacastle Luxury Apartments
Shopping service available prior to arrival, large communal pool and deck, laundry service, guest relations, continental breakfast served on request, full housekeeping, 24hr security, e-mail & fax facilities, secretarial service by prior arrangement.


Pre-arranged barbecues, and daily Sundowners on the deck enjoying the Atlantic Seaboard sunsets that Cape Town is famous for.

The Primi Seacastle luxury villas are combination of luxury facilities, brilliant location and the best views in Camps Bay
More About The Location Of The Primi Seacastle
The luxurious Primi Sea Castle The luxurious Primi Sea Castle is located on the Atlantic seaboard on Camps Bays Golden Mile, Cape Towns most prestigious coastline address. Situated virtually on top of the beach, with Table Mountain as a majestic backdrop, the modern, spacious apartment suites all have sweeping panoramic views of the bay.


At Primi Sea Castle there are three essential services: eat, sleep and play. When it comes to food you're the king of your castle and the stylish kitchens have everything you need to whip up that Caviar Mousse or just open that Primi Piatti pizza box or feast at the ample restaurants found only a stroll away.

Primi-Seacastle, Primi, Seacastle, Sea Castle, Primi sea Castle, Seacastle camps bay, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments
Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Accommodation, Camps Bay Beach, holiday villa, holiday apartment, vacation accommodation
Primi-Seacastle, Primi, Seacastle, Sea Castle, Primi sea Castle, Seacastle camps bay, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Accommodation, Camps Bay Beach, holiday villa, holiday apartment, vacation accommodation luxury leisure travel, south africa tourism, cape town tourism, cape town beaches, cape town beach house
Primi-Seacastle, Primi, Seacastle, Sea Castle, Primi sea Castle, Seacastle camps bay, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Accommodation, Camps Bay Beach, holiday villa, holiday apartment, vacation accommodation luxury leisure travel, south africa tourism, cape town tourism, cape town beaches, cape town beach house
Primi-Seacastle, Primi, Seacastle, Sea Castle, Primi sea Castle, Seacastle camps bay, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Accommodation, Camps Bay Beach, holiday villa, holiday apartment, vacation accommodation luxury leisure travel, south africa tourism, cape town tourism, cape town beaches, cape town beach house
Camps Bay Luxury Holiday Apartments, Camps Bay Accommodation, Camps Bay Beach, holiday villa, holiday apartment, vacation accommodation
luxury leisure travel, south africa tourism, cape town tourism, cape town beaches, cape town beach house
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Primi Seacastle Holiday Villas