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11. June 2010, 17:00
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1220 days
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The Twelve Apostles Hotel
The Twelve Apostles Hotel Cyber Cape Town secure booking
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The Twelve Apostles Hotel, Camps Bay, Cape Town, corporate accommodation in cape town, luxury accommodation in cape town pictures of cape town, luxury hotels in cape town, cape town accommodation, hotels in cape town, twelve apostles hotel 12 apostles hotel, five star accommodation, camps bay luxury hotel acomodation, luxury hotel listing, pictures of cape town, camps bay, cape town, south africa
Welcome To The Twelve Apostles Hotel
The Twelve Apostles Hotel, Camps Bay, Cape Town, corporate accommodation in cape town, luxury accommodation in cape town At a place where the earth, sea and sky meet, life begins. Here lies the luxurious Twelve Apostles, poised on the

Atlantic edge and flanked by the majestic Table Mountain and her Twelve Apostles.
Barely ten minutes from the bustling heart of Cape Town and its historic tourist attractions, Table Mountain cableway, V&A Waterfront & The Castle. Nature's nearby attractions include prime diving spots, nature trails, seals, dolphins, whales and penguins.

This intimate five star, stunning hotel prides itself on exceptional hospitality coupled with a relaxing and splendid infrastructure; making an unforgettable experience as unique as its haven-like setting.
Luxurious guest rooms, deluxe suites and a presidential suite make up this stunning hotel with a breath-taking pool garden magically perched above the ocean and the glorious Azure Restaurant offering endless seductive sea-views. Take advantage of first class catering for weddings and events which are a speciality of The Twelve Apostles.
The Twelve Apostles Hotel, Camps Bay, Cape Town, corporate accommodation in cape town, luxury accommodation in cape town
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The Twelve Apostles Hotel, Camps Bay, Cape Town, corporate accommodation in cape town, luxury accommodation in cape town pictures of cape town, luxury hotels in cape town, cape town accommodation, hotels in cape town, twelve apostles hotel 12 apostles hotel, five star accommodation, camps bay luxury hotel acomodation, luxury hotel listing, pictures of cape town, camps bay, cape town, south africa
The Twelve Apostles Hotel, Camps Bay, Cape Town, corporate accommodation in cape town, luxury accommodation in cape town pictures of cape town, luxury hotels in cape town, cape town accommodation, hotels in cape town, twelve apostles hotel 12 apostles hotel, five star accommodation, camps bay luxury hotel acomodation, luxury hotel listing, pictures of cape town, camps bay, cape town, south africa
The Twelve Apostles Hotel, Camps Bay, Cape Town, corporate accommodation in cape town, luxury accommodation in cape town pictures of cape town, luxury hotels in cape town, cape town accommodation, hotels in cape town, twelve apostles hotel 12 apostles hotel, five star accommodation, camps bay luxury hotel acomodation, luxury hotel listing, pictures of cape town, camps bay, cape town, south africa
The Twelve Apostles Hotel, Camps Bay, Cape Town, corporate accommodation in cape town, luxury accommodation in cape town
12 apostles hotel, five star accommodation, camps bay luxury hotel acomodation, luxury hotel listing, pictures of cape town, camps bay, cape town, south africa
The Twelve Apostles Hotel, Camps Bay, Cape Town, corporate accommodation in cape town, luxury accommodation in cape town pictures of cape town, luxury hotels in cape town, cape town accommodation, hotels in cape town, twelve apostles hotel
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The Twelve Apostles Hotel