This website is not affiliated, associated or connected in any way with the World Cup 2010 Local Organising Committee, the SA Football Association or FIFA. Its purpose is to provide news, information and opinion on South Africa and the events surrounding the 2010 World Cup.


Countdown to 2010

Count to
11. June 2010, 17:00
Time left
1220 days
21 hours
46 minutes


Who will win the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa?


2010 World Cup South Africa
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Commodore Hotel
Commodore Hotel Cyber Cape Town secure booking
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Accommodation Cape Town, portswood hotel, portswood road, cape town hotels hotels in cape town, luxury accommodation, waterfront city of cape town,hotel reservation system

Welcome to the Luxurious Commodore hotel

They call Cape Town the Fairest Cape of all - a city with a vivid historical past and rousing natural splendour. Perhaps the most magnificent sight of all, is the panorama of Table Mountain as it cradles the city and dips its toes in the Atlantic Ocean. They call Cape Town the Fairest Cape of all - a city with a vivid historical past and rousing natural splendour. Perhaps the most magnificent sight of all, is the panorama of Table Mountain as it cradles the city and dips its toes in the Atlantic Ocean.
A visitor to the Commodore Hotel will find himself enveloped inside this postcard picture. The hotel is located in the V & A Waterfront - one of the most popular tourism developments in the world - and offers limitless views of South Africa's Mother City. A visitor to the Commodore Hotel will find himself enveloped inside this postcard picture. The hotel is located in the V & A Waterfront - one of the most popular tourism developments in the world - and offers limitless views of South Africa's Mother City.
As its name fittingly suggests, Cape Town more resembles a quaint town than a city. Promenade along the shops and sights of the V & A Waterfront or watch a movie in the centre.

Other options in the area include:

  • Two Oceans Aquarium
  • Maritime Museum
  • Parliament
  • The Castle
  • The National Gallery
  • Cable car trip up Table Mountain
As its name fittingly suggests, Cape Town more resembles a quaint town than a city. Promenade along the shops and sights of the V & A Waterfront or watch a movie in the centre.
Directions from Cape Town International Airport to The Commodore Hotel in the V&A Waterfront.
Directions from Cape Town International Airport to The Commodore Hotel in the V&A Waterfront.
Book Now/Enquiries
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Commodore Hotel