This website is not affiliated, associated or connected in any way with the World Cup 2010 Local Organising Committee, the SA Football Association or FIFA. Its purpose is to provide news, information and opinion on South Africa and the events surrounding the 2010 World Cup.


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Count to
11. June 2010, 17:00
Time left
132 days
4 hours
11 minutes


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South Africa 2010 World Cup Matches
Group A
Match Date - Time Venue Results
1 11/06 16:00 Johannesburg - JSC South Africa South Africa - Mexico Mexico
2 11/06 20:30 Cape Town Uruguay Uruguay - France France
17 16/06 20:30 Tshwane/Pretoria South Africa South Africa - Uruguay Uruguay
18 17/06 20:30 Polokwane France France - Mexico Mexico
33 22/06 16:00 Rustenburg Mexico Mexico - Uruguay Uruguay
34 22/06 16:00 Mangaung / Bloemfontein France France - South Africa South Africa
Group B
Match Date - Time Venue Results
3 12/06 16:00 Johannesburg - JEP Argentina Argentina - Nigeria Nigeria
4 12/06 13:30 Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth Korea Republic Korea Republic - Greece Greece
19 17/06 16:00 Mangaung / Bloemfontein Greece Greece - Nigeria Nigeria
20 17/06 13:30 Johannesburg - JSC Argentina Argentina - Korea Rep Korea Republic
35 22/06 20:30 Durban Nigeria Nigeria - Korea Rep Korea Republic
36 22/06 20:30 Polokwane Greece Greece - Argentina Argentina
Group C
Match Date - Time Venue Results
5 12/06 20:30 Rustenburg England England - USA USA
6 13/06 13:30 Polokwane Algeria Algeria - Slovenia Slovenia
22 18/06 16:00 Johannesburg - JEP Slovenia Slovenia - USA USA
23 18/06 20:30 Cape Town England England - Algeria Algeria
37 23/06 16:00 Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth Slovenia Slovenia - England England
38 23/06 16:00 Tshwane/Pretoria USA USA - Algeria Algeria
Group D
Match Date - Time Venue Results
7 13/06 20:30 Durban Germany Germany - Australia Australia
8 13/06 16:00 Tshwane/Pretoria Serbia Serbia - Ghana Ghana
21 18/06 13:30 Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth Germany Germany - Serbia Serbia
24 19/06 16:00 Rustenburg Ghana Ghana - Australia Australia
39 23/06 20:30 Johannesburg - JSC Ghana Ghana - Germany Germany
40 23/06 20:30 Nelspruit Australia Australia - Serbia Serbia
Group E
Match Date - Time Venue Results
9 14/06 13:30 Johannesburg - JSC Netherlands Netherlands - Denmark Denmark
10 14/06 16:00 Mangaung / Bloemfontein Japan Japan - Cameroon Cameroon
25 19/06 13:30 Durban Netherlands Netherlands - Japan Japan
26 19/06 20:30 Tshwane/Pretoria Cameroon Cameroon - Denmark Denmark
43 24/06 20:30 Rustenburg Denmark Denmark - Japan Japan
44 24/06 20:30 Cape Town Cameroon Cameroon - Netherlands Netherlands
Group F
Match Date - Time Venue Results
11 14/06 20:30 Cape Town Italy Italy - Paraguay Paraguay
12 15/06 13:30 Rustenburg New Zealand New Zealand - Slovakia Slovakia
27 20/06 13:30 Mangaung / Bloemfontein Slovakia Slovakia - Paraguay Paraguay
28 20/06 16:00 Nelspruit Italy Italy - New Zealand New Zealand
41 24/06 16:00 Johannesburg - JEP Slovakia Slovakia - Italy Italy
42 24/06 16:00 Polokwane Paraguay Paraguay - New Zealand New Zealand
Group G
Match Date - Time Venue Results
13 15/06 16:00 Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire - Portugal Portugal
14 15/06 20:30 Johannesburg - JEP Brazil Brazil - Korea DPR Korea DPR
29 20/06 20:30 Johannesburg - JSC Brazil Brazil - Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire
30 21/06 13:30 Cape Town Portugal Portugal - Korea DPR Korea DPR
45 25/06 16:00 Durban Portugal Portugal - Brazil Brazil
46 25/06 16:00 Nelspruit Korea DPR Korea DPR - Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire
Group H
Match Date - Time Venue Results
15 16/06 13:30 Nelspruit Honduras Honduras - Chile Chile
16 16/06 16:00 Durban Spain Spain - Switzerland Switzerland
31 21/06 16:00 Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth Chile Chile - Switzerland Switzerland
32 21/06 20:30 Johannesburg - JEP Spain Spain - Honduras Honduras
47 25/06 20:30 Tshwane/Pretoria Chile Chile - Spain Spain
48 25/06 20:30 Mangaung / Bloemfontein Switzerland Switzerland - Honduras Honduras