This website is not affiliated, associated or connected in any way with the World Cup 2010 Local Organising Committee, the SA Football Association or FIFA. Its purpose is to provide news, information and opinion on South Africa and the events surrounding the 2010 World Cup.


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11. June 2010, 17:00
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922 days
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32 minutes


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Schedueled Tours in Southern Africa PDF Print E-mail Scheduled Tours in South Africa (guaranteed departure tours) with Springbok Atlas offers the widest selection of scheduled tours in Southern and East Africa, reflecting nearly 60 years of expertise and experience.

Listed below are links to our scheduled tours with all of the relevant information by departure. Clicking on the links will take you to a list of available tours departing from that destination, including more detailed itineraries, dates & rates. These links will follow you around at the top of each page for ease of navigating through them. Alternatively, you could search for our tours using the text search facility or drop down menu provided in the right hand column and found on most pages of our website.


Scheduled Tours Available - Click on links to view

Cape Town Adventure Tours | Departing Johannesburg | Departing Cape Town | Departing Durban | Departing Port Elizabeth | Departing Upington (Kalahari Safaris) | Namibia | Victoria Falls | Botswana | Kenya & Tanzania | Mozambique Islands |


For Day Tours in South Africa please visit our Day Tours Section.



Operated in luxury vehicles appropriate to the size of the tour group, and may vary from 1 to 40 passengers. Accommodation is reserved in leading hotels and resorts.

Operated in smaller luxury vehicles and groups, and travel at a pace that ensures passengers have the opportunity to fully absorb the sights and experiences en route. Accommodation is carefully selected to provide personal and warm service, with the unique character found in smaller, more intimate establishments.

Mostly operated in smaller vehicles, but may use larger vehicles appropriate to group size. Tours are short to maximise time and sightseeing, and can be incorporated into other modules, or combined as a complete package.

Passengers travel in specially designed airconditioned trucks, and are accompanied by an experienced driver/guide, and a camp staff member who erects tents and prepares meals. Certain overnights are at lodges. This is overland travel with minimum participation.

Passengers travel in customised 4x4 safari vehicles. Accommodation is in fully serviced comfort, in domed tents. Experienced staff prepare all meals and erect and dismantle camps. The final overnight is at a hotel.

FLY-IN TOURS Fly-in Tours are designed to access remote areas, or to minimise travelling time between destinations. Operating in Namibia, Botswana, Victoria Falls, East Africa and Mozambique, these are ideal as add-on modules, or individual tours. The numerous destinations provide exceptional accommodation and sightseeing experiences.

Scheduled Tours Available
- Click on links to view

Cape Town Adventure Tours | Departing Johannesburg | Departing Cape Town | Departing Durban | Departing Port Elizabeth | Departing Upington (Kalahari Safaris) | Namibia | Victoria Falls | Botswana | Kenya & Tanzania | Mozambique Islands |


For Day Tours in South Africa please visit our Day Tours Section.


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