This website is not affiliated, associated or connected in any way with the World Cup 2010 Local Organising Committee, the SA Football Association or FIFA. Its purpose is to provide news, information and opinion on South Africa and the events surrounding the 2010 World Cup.


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2010 Tickets PDF Print E-mail

Get your 2010 World Cup Tickets Early! gives you crucial information on FIFA 2010 tickets and FIFA 2010 ticket sales for the World Cup Soccer 2010 in South Africa.

A special FIFA 2010 Section in our newsletter provides all 2010 World Cup information on where, when and how to obtain your tickets for the World Cup Soccer 2010 in South Africa. Our FIFA 2010 World Cup news can be found in our Sport & FIFA World Cup section on

We will also brief you on who plays where in which WC 2010 games, including tips on World Cup Cities and accommodation for the World Cup 2010 close to the different stadiums.

Additionally, we will give you tips on how make most of your time in South Africa by combing the FIFA 2010 Soccer World Cup for instance with great safari experiences. What better way to combine your holiday with the World Cup and  travel to South Africa to discover an incredible country.

2010: Get your world cup 2010 tickets early

About 2.7-million World Cup 2010 tickets worth about R4.6-billion (±600 million euro) will be on sale..

The CEO of SA's 2010 FIFA World Cup local organising committee, Danny Jordaan, urged South African football fans to get into the habit of buying their tickets in good time. He warned that from as early as 2008, South Africans would be "fighting" for World Cup tickets with fans from all around the world.

It is estimated that about 2.7-million World Cup 2010 tickets worth about R4.6-billion (±600 million euro) will be on sale for the prestigious sports event.

Accordign to Jordaan, the tickets will probably go on sale from 2008.

Briefing the Gauteng Legislature's sports committee on Monday, Jordaan said there was a tradition within South Africa's soccer fraternity of buying tickets a few hours before kick-off.

"If one wakes up on the morning of the match and decides to go and watch a game between Bafana Bafana and Brazil, for instance, they should not be surprised when they are forced to go and watch that game on television", he said.

SA's organising committee in negotiations with Fifa to ensure that tickets are affordable, Jordaan said. The cheapest ticket at the Korea/Japan World Cup in 2002 went for US$50; in Germany 2006 they will go for 30 Euros.

(source: BuaNews 15 February 2005)


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